Collaboration with the young

The agency works to improve knowledge about psychological defence among children and young people up to 25 years of age. Dual-track efforts are pursued, with schools being one priority arena and civil society another.


Schools are the only institution in society that has a clear remit to foster democrats and good citizens. Through schools, there is an opportunity to reach all children and youths on equal terms. For this reason, schools, pupils and staff are an important target group in efforts to build resilience and promote willingness to defend.

The agency works to improve knowledge about psychological defence in schools and does so in collaboration with the Swedish National Agency for Education, The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, The Swedish Armed Forces and The Swedish Defence Conscription and Assessment Agency. We also collaborate through networking meetings, trade fairs and politicians’ weeks.

Collaboration with civil society actors working with the young

The agency shall involve, consult and engage civil society actors in order to strengthen Sweden’s psychological defence among the young. Following an inventory of Swedish civil society, the agency has initiated collaboration with a number of actors that have established networks, substantial credibility and a strong image both locally and nationally.

Collaboration is ongoing to reach out to the young and also individuals who work with them, such as youth leaders and instructors. However, we also collaborate with organisations such as the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society, Save the Children, the Swedish Centre for Preventing Violent Extremism and the Ombudsman for Children.